Date cake and bitter orange marmalade
A few nights ago, looking back at the photos of my vacation in Malta with nostalgia, one image in particular reminded me of the delicious Maltese Imqaret, sweets made with dates.
I decided to search the internet for the recipe, but being the instructions too long and not suitable for amateurs, I did another search and found an interesting recipe for a date dessert. I customized it and added our Bitter Orange Marmalade.
The work has been successful, because in a few minutes the cake was devoured.
Here is a recipe by Cosetta, co-manager of Il Baggiolo.
INGREDIENTS (for 6 people):
Dried dates 250 gr
Honey 1 tbsp
Eggs 4
Starch 30 gr
Walnuts 100 gr
Sugar 80 gr
Almonds 100 gr
Butter 60 gr
Orange juice 1 tbsp
Il Baggiolo bitter orange marmalade 5 tbsp
1) Remove the dates from the stone and chop finely. Also chop the walnuts and almonds. Mix the dates, walnuts, almonds, honey, sugar and melted butter well.
2) Separate the yolks and egg whites. Work the 4 egg yolks until they become very fluffy. Add the orange juice, incorporate the starch and the fruit mixture. Beat the egg whites until stiff and add them to the dough.
3) Pour the mixture into a greased mold with a detachable bottom. Put it in the oven at 220° C and cook for 20 minutes, reduce the temperature to 200°C for another 15 minutes. Let it cool down.
4) Heat 5 tablespoons of Il Baggiolo Bitter Orange Marmalade in a saucepan, adding 2 tablespoons of water and wait for everything to soften.
Still hot, spread it on the cake.
Decorate the cake to taste with slices of Orange and Dates.
Accompany the dessert with our Gineprino liqueur.